Gaming on our Android devices has certainly
come a long way over the past couple of
years. One look at the Google Play store will
show amazing sprawling 3D adventures, AAA titles
ported over from home consoles and some of the
most addictive games on the market today.
But a new product is soon to hit the market that
looks to take the gaming experience on your Android
phone or tablet to the next level and beyond – for
half of the price of either the Xbox One or Playstation
4 games consoles.
The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality headset that
puts the player in the game by attaching to the
user’s head and using an external controller. Using
the mounted display, users get really involved in
their favourite games and tether the headset itself
to their Android device to experience their mobile
games on a bigger and more immersive screen. On
top of being used as a platform to load games from,
there are future plans to be able to use any Android
phone or tablet as a controller for any game played
on the Oculus Rift headset via USB tethering.
The design of the Oculus Rift headset may look
strange to some, but it has several benefi ts for its
users. As well as being able to interact with games,
the Rift includes positional tracking, from which the
user can control the direction they are looking in
within the game, as well as full movement tracking
capabilities that you’d expect from a virtual reality
headset. There’s also things like 1080p support,
wireless operation and even a HDMI port to tether
the unit to your HDTV for other people to see what
you’re seeing.
Many big name mobile game developers are
already onboard with several ambitious projects to
transform the ways users can experience their
games using a combination of the Rift alongside
their Android device. Games like Dead Trigger have
already seen great critical success on Android
devices, but will be heavily modifi ed to support the
Oculus’s technology and immerse the player further
into the game itself. With developer units of the
Oculus Rift already available for users to get
experimenting with, and consumer units touted for
a mid-2014 release, expect to see a new era of
interactive gaming appearing soon on your Android
device – and on your head!
Highlights of the Oculus Rift
Seven-inch display
The seven-inch mounted display has been designed to optimise
graphics for each game played. Although it’s built in the same
vein as an Android tablet, the actual processing power is built
into the surrounding headset. The chosen design helps the
display unit stop heating up after prolonged use.
Interchangeable lenses
One of the greatest additions to the Oculus Rift are its
interchangeable lenses, which can be used to move the
display to suit different people’s eye. With the intense 3D
gaming experience that the Rift provides, the ability to alter
how the display works and functions will certainly help
prevent eye damage.
Virtuix Omni
Alongside the Rift is the Virtuix Omni, a omnidirectional
treadmill that enables users to jump, walk, crouch and run
in their game. While wearing the Rift you can add to the
immersive nature of the game by stepping into the Omni
and taking your experience to the next level.