Powerful Turbo Portable Charger

There are plenty of portable chargers on the market today, but not many can compare to the TurboCharger 7000 in terms of power and function.

The unit includes two USB ports from which you can connect two devices at any one time, as well as a mini USB port to charge the TurboCharger.

On top of the unit is a single button that when pressed will notify you of its current level of charge, and you can expect to get around ten hours worth of charging out of the device before needing to recharge it.

Alongside the TurboCharger are two retractable cables that can be used to connect the unit to any device, and you’ll also find a wide selection of connectors that cater for most devices.

Despite the price, the TurboCharger 7000 is an essential piece of kit that every Android user should own.
Need a portable charger for your device?
We’ve got the answer TurboCharger 7000
Source : Android.Magazine.UK.Issue.22.2013